Thursday, April 9, 2009

Is Science a Menace to Civilisation?

While I agree whole-heartedly with Text A, it is more correct to say that man’s use of Science is a menace to civilisation. The atrocities of war and weapons of mass destruction were made possible with such developments in Science. Because of man’s misuse of Science, countless innocent lives are lost in bombing raids, were lost in the gassing chambers and atomic bombs in World War II, and will be lost in the future with new advanced chemical, nuclear and biological weapons that have the capacity to annihilate an entire country. Also, the invention of explosives and guns has been misused. Dynamite was invented to help build roads through mountains, but instead, we human beings transformed it into weapons to kill and maim other people or animals. Because of Science, Man built technology-intensive industries, power-consuming appliances and other ‘luxury’ goods such as cars and air-conditioners. Because of this, we humans have selfishly caused the global warming effect, which may soon reach a point of no return, unless we manage to find a way to capture carbon dioxide in the future.
Scientific research has without doubt lowered mortality rates, with life-saving discoveries such as antibiotics, surgeries, transplants or vaccines. Previously, man was nearly defenceless against such potent microorganisms, and could die over a mere cold. True, these inventions are greatly beneficial to mankind. However, with these developments in Science, human beings have turned these weapons which fight viruses and other micro-organisms against ourselves, and because of our negligent use of antibiotics, we have ironically created new strains of resistant super-bugs that have developed resistance against nearly all antibiotics. Furthermore, for each vaccine invented, countless innocent lab animals are sacrificed. Their live bodies are used as tests, and if the experiment fails, they are just cruelly killed without a second thought. How could these inventions be hailed as life-saving, if they take the lives of other creatures?
                 Another example is the Internet, which was considered to be a huge leap for mankind, with it being among the most significant inventions of the 20th century. Sadly, what was meant to convenience the lives of mankind instead has turned into a hazard to its users. Be it viruses, rampant proliferation of pornographic material in the net, paedophiles lurking in the chatroom, or addictive computer games, this great breakthrough in Science which was meant to connect people around the world has ironically achieved the contrary. There are countless cases of people, being addicted to online gaming, have estranged themselves from the people around them. They are more comfortable chatting with faceless acquaintances on the web, than with their own family. These technologies threaten to numb the brains of each new generation, killing social skills and the art of communication over time.
                 Of great concern to me, is also the menace that Science presents to moral ethics. Recently, even the United States has instead of opposing stem cells research has decided to fund it. Are we trying to realise the horrors presented to us in Huxley’s ‘Brave new world’. What is next then? Are we going to let parents programme what they want their child to be then? Furthermore, two of the world’s most destructive ideologies in the 20th century-Communism and Nazism were both inspired by Science. Science can thus be seen to in some cases, violate moral ethics and can be detrimental to society.
                     We must also rethink our perceptions of life with science and life without science. Is life without our luxuries bleak and dull? Will we die without our cars or computers? Can its benefits ever outweigh its heavy costs? Of course, while science is argued to be just like religion or philosophy, these two cannot ever be as destructive as science, because they are abstract. I personally, as a Christian, also find Science the major stumbling block in people accepting Christianity. Be it through Darwin’s theory of evolution, or the Big Bang theory which had a one in one with 81 zeroes behind chance of happening, some people choose to believe in Science to explain everything, as it is tangible and concrete, unlike religion. Worse still, Science, or man’s use of Science could be worse than just a menace to civilisation, if science is used to substitute religion in people’s lives.
                             In conclusion, there is little doubt that Science is indeed a menace to civilisation and Man himself.

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