Thursday, April 9, 2009

Explain the nature of pornography and give your reasons to why we should/should not exercise any form of censorship in this area.

In my interpretation, pornography is content that morally degrades man’s opinion of women, as its male-centred content creates the false impression of women’s sole purpose being to be sex slaves for man, and to be treated as sex toys, and worse of all, that they actually enjoy being raped or subjected to sexual abuse. While human rights activists and many other people are actively pushing for equal rights for both men and women, pornography is quite detrimental to this noble effort as it conveys the impression that women are meant to be subservient to man, or that women are ‘whores’. Either way, pornography is derogative towards women, and thus should definitely be censored if the image of women is to be preserved and respected.


The foundation of the pornography industry is based on the lustful fantasies, poor self-control and the horrible sexual tastes of males. If the foundation of the drug industry is based on addiction to drugs, and poor self-control, the pornography industry is also fuelling a sinful addiction, and a stumbling block to many men, causing them to be caught up in their fantasies.  The attitudes and behaviour that pornography supports is very unhealthy. Furthermore, pornography brings about lustful thoughts and feelings in man, and is unaccompanied by the many other aspects to sex such as affection, long-lasting relationships and responsibility. This money-driven industry is just like the drug industry, where people actively support and industry that is extremely unhealthy and can ruin people’s lives and degrade the image of some.


Definitely, there is a counter-argument that pornography is just a mere expression of sexuality, thus there is nothing wrong with it. Some people say that pornography is a reflection of sexual fantasies and promotes sexual experimentation. Also, it is a substitute for sex as not everybody will get to experience sex in their life, so there is no wrong in using this visual experience to substitute sexual experiences. To me, this argument is terribly flawed as if one wants an expression of sexuality, then he can look at nude art, which is not pornography. Nude art tries to convey the beauty of the human body, while pornography just conveys the notion that women are subservient to men. If one’s real purpose in reading pornographic material is to appreciate sexuality, then it means that he has a terribly warped interpretation of those degrading images.


 Furthermore, the very fact that pornography reflects sexual fantasies and promotes sexual experimentation is wrong enough. Sexual fantasies are brought about by lust, and lust is one of the seven cardinal sins, so how a reflection of sexual fantasies became a plus point is a mystery to me. As for promotion of sexual experimentation, does that mean that sexual experimentation itself is good? Sexual experimentation can mean trying out other forms of sex, or treating women as sex toys. It is too ambiguous, and is hard to interpret. The argument that pornography is a substitute for sex for people who may be too shy, ugly or physically disabled is not very convincing either. If a shy young man spends time flipping through pornographic magazines instead of trying to ask a girl out, or if a ugly woman is convinced that all ugly women will never get married and resorts to spending the rest of her life reading pornographic material, how is this right? They should not be willing to settle for something less, much less degrade themselves to read such material.


In conclusion, pornography should be censored as it degrades the image of women and the respect of men towards them, encourages lust and is in no ways beneficial to anyone. 

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