An Advance Medical Directive Act is a legal document that one signs in advance to inform the doctor treating him that in the event he becomes terminally ill and unconscious, one would not want any extraordinary life-sustaining treatment to prolong one’s life. Definitely, this can be seen as a form of euthanasia, also known as “mercy killing”. While euthanasia is carried out to alleviate physical and mental suffering, this Advance Medical Directive Act can as an easy release from the suffering of being a vegetable, dead to the world but still breathing. However,
The horrible part about choosing the easy way out of suffering is that while one does need to undergo such anguish and torment be it emotional, mental or physical, it is extremely selfish to our loved ones. What about them? The emotional pain that we cause them will be so great, and the knowledge that we value the relief of the pain over being with them would hurt them even more. Furthermore, who are we to play God and decide when we want to leave this Earth? Euthanasia being mercy killing, and is still a form of killing; and killing ourselves equates to suicide which is murder. The killing can be for a good intention but killing ourselves is still a form of murder, which is the greatest possible sin.
Worse of all, this Advance Medical Directive Act and euthanasia both are equally horrifying in causing the dehumanisation of man and the desacrilisation of life. The sacredness of human life becomes viewed as mere sentimentalism, and expediency takes priority. Life becomes just a commodity, and can be thrown away when the going gets rough. The problem about opening the door to this form of assisted suicide is that more reasons will surface as to ending one’s life. First came euthanasia which gave the reason that physical and emotional pain was enough to warrant a merciful ending of one’s life, then came this Act which states that we have a right to end our lives if we are dead to this world. If this continues, perhaps next time there could be an Act stating that all people who recently lost a loved one could kill themselves also if they wish to.
In my opinion, unless the cost of life-sustaining treatment would be too much to bear for one’s family, nobody should even be given the option of signing this act to end their lives. Just as euthanasia is banned in all but four countries in the world, this Advanced Medical Direct Act should definitely also be banned by all countries. The decision to turn off the life-support machine should be made by the family, when after observing that there is no chance of every recovering for the person, then should they make the decision, and not leave the decision him.